Hey there,
Butch has a new listing for $135,795. It has 1099 SF 2 BR 2 BA.
Includes W/D and Refer. There is a possibility of owner financing. The home
was built in 1987. At Butch's request we are sending out a notice of this
property being availiabe.. The Mike Dietz Realty Team will be delighted to show
you this property!
Don't forget the May General meeting at the Firehouse 1011 W Williams,
starting at 6:30 PM. the first Tuesday of May. Johnathin Chick lender to the
Stars will be our featured speaker. If you are a lender Or money type person
and would like to form a panel with him just inform one of us. We like to have
multiple people to throw questions at. If you would like to bring an adult
beverage to share and / or a delectable delight please do so.
See you then!